DVD Edition Filmmuseum
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DVD Edition Filmmuseum: New Releases
Zwei Klassiker der DEFA-Produktion aus den frühen 1950er Jahren
Zwei Filme von Wolf-Eckart Bühler
The first major epic by Lav Diaz. A powerful contemporary portrait of the Filipino diaspora in New York and New Jersey.
The White Rose and the resistance against National Socialism in Munich
A film by Michael Verhoeven, based on his stage play «Massacre»
A film by Robert Reinert
A film by F.M. Murnau. Including screen tests for a Faust project by Ernst Lubitsch
A film by Claudia von Alemann. Restored version.
Including: Margery Wilson - From Hollywood silent film star to film director
Films by James Benning
Two films by Wolf-Eckart Bühler that deconstruct the Hayden myth
A trilogy on the history of art in the 20th century
The earliest surviving film by F.W. Murnau
Including the animated short Interplanetary Revolution
The two most beautiful films shot in Germany by Max Ophüls in restored versions.
About the final days of World War II
The first and last of Josef von Sternberg silent films
Films by Jürgen Böttcher
An unjustly forgotten classic epic of the German silent cinema
Dziga Vertov's film poem to the founder of the Soviet Union