Die freudlose Gasse (The Joyless Street) is not only one of the most important films of the Weimar Republic, it is also one of the most spectacular censorship cases of the era. The story from the inflationary period in Vienna in the years immediately after World War I was considered too much of a provocation: «nouveau riches» currency and stock market speculators who wallow in Babylonian luxury, homeless and unemployed «Lumpenproletariat» living in barns, women who sell their souls for a bit of fresh meat at the butcher's, sexual orgies, bordellos and murders. This unique 2-disc DVD set offers the improved most complete restored version of the film as well as a lot of additional material including an excellent documentary about the life and work of G.W. Pabst.
The Joyless Street, directed by: G.W. Pabst, Germany 1925, 151 Min.
Music scores by Alijoscha Zimmermann
20 page booklet with essays about the film
The Other Eye, Austria /USA 1991, Directed by: Hannah Heer, Werner Schmiedel, 111 Min.
Pabst wieder sehen 1997 (21')
Outtakes & Intakes (14')
Memories of assistant director Mark Sorkin (49')
Screenplays and documents as ROM features
Edition Filmmuseum 48 – Double DVD
Language Deutsch | English Subtitles english | deutsch
Screen 1:1.33 - 4/3 PAL Sound DD 2.0 FSK 14+ Region code All regions
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