Rainer Simon's adaptation of Fritz Rudolf Fries' novel «The Airship is one of the most unconventional feature films ever produced in East Germany. Featuring a complex flashback structure and animated dream sequences painted directly on the film by artist Lutz Dammbeck, Das Luftschiff tells the story of an inventor who dreams of building a revolutionary new airship. When Civil War breaks out in Spain, the inventor refuses to allow his work to be abused for sinister political purposes. Irrepressible Spain is an expanded version of Spanish Earth by Joris Ivens, who authorized Jeanne and Kurt Stern to update his work for a new audience.
The Airship, Rainer Simon, East Germany 1983 (117 min.)
Director Rainer Simon about Das Luftschiff, 2018 (11 Min.)
Irrepressible Spain, Kurt & Jeanne Stern, East Germany 1984 (87 min.)
Edition Filmmuseum 111
Language Deutsch Subtitles english
Screen 4/3 PAL Audio DD 2.0 (Mono) FSK 14 Regio code All regions
Bonus 20 pages bilingual booklet with texts by Rainer Simon, Hans-Jörg Rother, Fred Gehler, Jeanne Stern and Esteve Riambau
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