John Cook (1935-2001) was, in his own words, «Viennese by choice». Between 1972 and 1982 the Canadian photographer directed four films (three features and a documentary) which hold a unique position in Austrian Cinema: independently produced, featuring a cast and crew of friends and shot on modest budgets. This 2-disc set presents restored versions of Cooks three landmark films produced in the 1970s, as well as extra materials.
Slow Summer, directed by: John Cook, Austria 1976 (83')
Skizze | Episode | Szene. Kommentar zu John Cooks Langsamer Sommer, 2008 (12')
Clinch, direted by: John Cook, Austria 1978 (97')
I just can't go on, 1972-73 (50')
16page booklet with essays on John Cook
Edition Filmmuseum 44 – Double DVD
Language Deutsch | English Subtitles english
Bildformat 1:1.37 - 4/3 PAL | 1:1.33 - 4/3 PAL Sound DD 2.0 FSK 14+ Region code All regions
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