The Poetic Power of Theory & All Emotions Belive in a Happy Ending
CHF 26.00 / EUR 23.00The Poetic Power of Theory: Aristotle, Heidegger, Spinoza, Marx, Nietzsche, Kant («What Does it Mean to Orient Oneself in Thinking?»). Seven examples taken from 200 television reportage programmes. «One must take that which is of significance outside of television and introduce it into this medium without compromise.» This is particularly true of the gentle violence of theory. The Gentle Cosmetics of Light: Eight one-minute films in large 65mm format. Somewhere between the 65mm film format and the tiny yet robust images of a laptop computer lies the future of film. In addition, a feature film from 2008, The Magic of the Darkened Soul, a film installation for 5 projectors and a documentary film about Alexander Kluge by Angelika Wittlich: All Emotions Believe in a Happy Ending.
«Ort und Zeit ohne Grund ist » 1998, 6'
Spinoza und die Modi Gottes 2007, 15'
Was heisst «guter Wille»? 2007, 24'
Der «Mehrwert» & seine Bilder 2005, 20'
Nietzsches fröhliche Wissenschaft 1999, 15'
Der Mond ist aufgegangen 2005, 15'
Selbstdenken 2005, 24'
Die sanfte Schminke des Lichts 2007, 13'
Texts by Alexander Kluge as ROM features
16page booklet with texts by Alexander Kluge
Der Zauber der verdunkelten Seele 2007, 49'
Mehrfachbilder für 5 Projektoren 2008, 23'
Alle Gefühle glauben an einen glücklichen Ausgang 2002, 78'
Two new books by Alexander Kluge and an index of the whole Kluge edition as ROM features
Edition Filmmuseum 34 – Double DVD
Language Deutsch Subtitles english, français, español, português
Screen 1:1.37 - 4/3 PAL Sound DD 2.0 Mono FSK 14+ Region code All regions
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