Two brothers, 17-year-old Farrukh and 7-year-old Azamat, leave town to join their doctor-father, travelling cross-country through imposingly stark Tajikistan on a ramshackle cargo train. Their journey is punctuated by numerous experiences which carry them into the lives of strangers and through the endearing emotional odyssey of their own relationship. When they reach the father who initially does not recognize them, their hopes for a better life are crushed. Turning back on each other, the brothers resume their journey.
trigon-film dvd-edition 399
Language OV tajik Subtitles english, deutsch, français, italiano, español
Length 99 min. Format PAL, 1:1.37 - 4/3, b&w Sound DD 1.0 mono Age 12 Region code All regions
Bonus Booklet
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