Kukurantumi - Road to Accra

King Boama Darko Ampaw – Ghana – 1983

CHF 14.90 / EUR 13.80

Addey, a hard-working family man makes his living driving a lorry between Accra, the capital, and his small village of Kukurantumi, which, in a local dialect, means «the place where everything is too heavy to pick up». When he is dismissed from his job for reasons beyond his control, Addey arranges a marriage between his pretty daughter, Abena, and a rich, middle-aged businessman she doesn't love. Abena rebels and, with Bob, the poor young man she loves, runs off to Accra where things go from bad to worse. Kukurantumi: Road to Accra is a comparatively lively, good-humored film about a very sad subject - the breakdown of family relationships under the pressures of what's called progress.

DVD – EZEF | trigon-film
Language OV english Subtitles deutsch, français
Length 95 min.Screen 4/3 PAL, color Sound DD 2.0 FSK 14+ Region code All regions
Bonus Interview | Trailer No Time to Die | Biography/Filmography | Picture gallery

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