The story begins in a small village in Rhodesia (which will became Zimbabwe on April 18, 1980 after years of civil war), when the war is hotting up. The life of two teenage girls are changed when the father of one of them is detained by the Rhodesians. They decide to walk to Mozambique to join the struggle. Life in the camps is harsh. They training on equal terms with the men, take war names «Flame» and «Liberty», and all their place in the common fight. Flame is the story of how the independence of a country also became the independence of the women who fight for it.
DVD – EZEF | trigon-film
Language OV english Subtitles deutsch, français
Length 90 Min. Screen 4/3 Letterbox PAL, color Sound Dolby Stereo 2.0 FSK 14+ Region code All regions
Bonus Lecture by the director at the University of Oxford (30 min.)