DVD Edition Look Now

Longing - Sehnsucht

CHF 17.00 / EUR 15.80

A film by Valeska Grisebach
Germany 2006

A man and a woman live in a village not far from Berlin. Out here, it feels as though the city were miles away. The couple have loved each other since they were children. They are inseparable. Both are now in their early thirties; he is a welder and a member of the auxiliary fire brigade. She works a few hours a week as a home help and sings in the choir. Their blissful relationship is so untrammelled by life’s little ups and downs that others regard them with a mixture of astonishment and mistrust. They give the impression of being as innocent and unsuspecting as a couple of children. One day, the man goes on a business trip to a large town with the fire brigade. After a night of heavy drinking and carousing he wakes up in another woman’s apartment. He can barely remember what went on. His efforts to find out what did occur lead to a passionate affair.

Edition Look Now!
Language OV german Subtitles english
Length 83 min. Screen 16/9 PAL, color Sound DD 2.0 FSK 14 Region code 0
Bonus Interviews | Photo gallery | Trailer | Booklet

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