Peaceful Days & Royal Baths
CHF 36.00 / EUR 30.00This double DVD holds two unusual films by Richard Blank. In Friedliche Tage, we enter a totalitarian and inhuman society, in which daily life is a series of nightmares and the protagonists search for a utopia of freedom and love. Prinzenbad gives us a microcosm of a society dominated by male power plays, wheeling and dealing, corruption, love, and eroticism. Both films dispense with established dramatic conventions, instead consolidating scenes, episodes, and stories into a grotesque roundelay of the decline of civil society.
Friedliche Tage, Richard Blank, Germany 1983
Prinzenbad, Richard Blank, Germany 1993
edition filmmuseum 88
Double DVD
Language Deutsch Subtitles english, français
Length 81 & 80 min. Screen 1:1.37 - 4/3 | 1:1.66 - 16/9, PAL Sound DD 2.0 (Mono) FSK 16 Region code All regions
Bonus Booklet