Love Makes You Perceptive & The Siamese Hands
CHF 26.00 / EUR 23.00It's said that love is blind. The truth is: Love Makes You Perceptive. Love stories are fundamental stories. In this realm of experience, we can test our own power of judgement. It is possible to judge political matters, whih are not similarly open to intimate examination, through our knowledge of love stories. This is the theme of the Death of Lucretia (with Ivan Nagel). In The Siamese Hands, a young woman and a prison inmate have bound themselves together for eternity with glue. There are also stories of Japanese megastars of the art of love, pre-1917 Russian cinema melodramas, and sex in New York. Then there are supplemental two extras. Queen of Hearts on Judgement Day (with Heiner Müller) and My Love is Deeper than the Sea which is about the first underwater opera in the world.
Liebe im Raumanzug, 2001 (12')
Der schönste Schatz der Evolution, 2006 (24')
Liebe macht hellsichtig, 2007 (24')
Tod der Lucrezia, 1998 (24')
Der Todeskuss, 2001 (15')
Schwarzmarkt der Liebe, 2005 (24')
Fifi, 2008 (2')
Megastars der Liebekunst, 2007 (24')
Für jede Träne einen Blutstropfen, 2004 (19')
Ich komme jeden Morgen zum Sex, 1998 (16')
Liebe als Passion, 1995 (15')
Die siamesischen Hände, 2008 (5')
Liebesschmerz wie stumme Fische, 2001 (4')
Begehren, das die Welt regiert, 1998 (14')
Herzkönigin am jüngsten Tag, 1995 (23')
Meine Liebe ist tiefer als das Meer, 1999 (25')
16 page booklet and ROM features
Edition Filmmuseum 30 – Double DVD
Language Deutsch Subtitles english, français, español, português a.o.,
Screen 1:.37 - 4:3 PAL Sound DD 2.0 (Mono) FSK 14+ Region code All regions
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DVD Edition Filmmuseum