Zulu Love Letter & Fools

Fools – Ramadan Suleman, South Africa, 1997
Zulu Love Letters – Ramadan Suleman, South Africa, 2004

CHF 15.90 / EUR 14.80

Zulu Love Letter
It is ten years since the last vestiges of apartheid's political regime were dismantled. But for Thandi, a journalist suffering from writer's block, a more profound struggle continues to rage within. Living in a nation that seems too eager to forget its past, Thandi cannot shake the gnawing sense of guilt that continues to alienate her from her own family. Her estranged thirteen-year-old daughter Mangi, who is deaf and dumb as a result of the beatings Thandi received while in police captivity during her pregnancy, remains closest to Thandi's mother and ex-husband. As communication between Thandi and Mangi breaks down, the ghosts of Thandi's past begin to surface and she must find a way to lay them to rest. Meanwhile, Mangi is hoping to knit the family back together through the traditional collage or «Zulu Love Letter» she painstakingly yet secretly stitches for her mother.

Charterston Township 1990. Professor Zamani is respected in the township. To be sure, he once raped one of his students but the community turned a blind eye. Zamani used to rail against the apartheid system but those days are long gone. Now he teaches South African history in the Afrikaner language and grudgingly organizes the picnic for National Day, which commemorates the Boers' massacre of the Zulu nation... When Zani, the rape victim's brother, returns from Swaziland where he won a place in school, he is determined to change everything. In the small hours, in the waiting room at Johannesburg station, he runs into Prof. Zamani, who's spent the night on the town. They travel back together to the harsh reality of the township. In due course, Zamani regains some of his pride and Zani, inevitably, loses some of his...under the gaze of the women, who never renounced their dignity.

DVD – EZEF | trigon-film
Language OV Subtitles english, deutsch, français
Length 100 | 90 min. Screen 16/9 PAL, couleur Audio DTS FSK 14+ Region code All regions

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