Vom Reiche der sechs Punkte is an unusual silent film, produced far away from the film studios in Berlin and Munich. The story deals with a steel worker who looses the sight of his eyes and has to accept his fate. The film shows in unique documentary pictures the work and life in the homes for the blind in Cologne, Neuwied and Düren. The Filmmuseum Muenchen has restored the only surviving tinted and toned print of the film which was found in the collection of the Finnish Film Archive.
The Realm of the Six Dots, directed by: Hugo Rütters, Germany 1927 (95')
Piano score by Joachim Bärenz
Audiodescription for visually impaired people (only in german)
Chapter selection
Braille alphabet
Contemporary documents as ROM features
Editon Filmmuseum 19
Language Deutsch (intertitles) Subtitles english
Screen 1:1.33 - 4/3 PAL Sound Music score DD 2.0 (Stereo) FSK 14+ Region code All regions
Combinaisons préférées
DVD Edition Filmmuseum
Including: Margery Wilson - From Hollywood silent film star to film director