
Marco Bechis – Brazil – 2008


CHF 16.90 / EUR 15.70

A boat with tourists is sailing up the river through the jungle. Suddenly they come face-to-face with Indians, naked apart from their paint, with self-made weapons at the ready. The tourists sail on excitedly. The Indians put on their jeans and collect their daily wages. The Guarani, one of Brazil's oldest Indian communities, are forced to live in a reservation. A small group of Guarani decide to leave the reservation and settle in a traditional territory that has belonged to white men for several generations. The clash between two conflicting cultures is conceived as a suspense story with mystical elements.

trigon-film dvd-edition 149
Language OV brazilianSubtitles deutsch, français
Length 108 min. Screen  1:2.35 scope – 16/9 PAL, color Sound DD 5.1, DD 2.0  FSK 14 Region code All regions
Bonus Making of | Booklet 

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