A documentary by Corinna Belz
Germany 2011
Gerhard Richter, one of the internationally most significant contemporary artists of our times, granted filmmaker Corinna Belz access to his studio in the spring and summer of 2009 where he was working on a series of large abstract paintings. GERHARD RICHTER PAINTING offers us rare insights into the artist's work. In quiet, highly concentrated images, the film gives us a fly-on-the-wall perspective of a very personal, tension-filled process of artistic creation. We see Richter painting. We see him observe and dialogue with his paintings. We see him contemplate, wait, reject, rework and sometimes destroy only to begin anew.
In her intelligent and perceptive film, Corinna Belz brings us closer to the complex processes of artistic creation. Our perceptions expand. The paintings themselves become the protagonists. GERHARD RICHTER PAINTING is the penetrating portrait of an artist at work - and a fascinating film about the art of seeing.
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Language OV German Subitles english, français
Length 97 min. Screen 16/9 PAL - color Sound DD 5.1 FSK 0 Region code 0
Bonus Extensive bonus material
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