The last films for cinema by Alexander Kluge. Both tell about a dozen stories which complement one another by creating a context.
The Blind Director: A young doctor feels that she is redundant. People hurry around. A family sits in front of the computer as if it were a fire in the hearth. A kindergarten teacher is supposed to turn a child over to its legal guardians. The blind director. The present becomes inflammed. Without prior events, the future and particularly a sense of the possible, there is no reality.
Miscellaneous News are on the last page of the newspapers. With little oversight from editorial offices but with great emotional fuel. The 2-disc DVD also offers a talk with Alexander Kluge and Jean-Luc Godard as well as new one-minute films by Alexander Kluge.
The Blind Director, 1985 (106')
Blind Love – Interview with Jean-Luc Godard, 2001 (24')
16 Minute Films, 2007 (17')
Zwischen Mitternacht und der vierten Nachtstunde, 2006 (1')
Miscellaneous News, 1986 (96')
Mrs. Blackburn, born 1//51872, Is Being Filmed, 1967 (13')
A Doctor from Halberstadt, 1970 (29')
A Woman from the Property-owing Middle-class, 1973 (11')
Nach jedem Untergang kommt ein Dampfer, 2006 (1')
Booklet with texts by Alexander Kluge
Rom sequence: Book by Weinmann/Kluge «Neonröhren des Himmels» (german)
Edition Filmmuseum 27 – Double DVD
Language Deutsch Subtitles english, français, español
Screen 1:1.37 - 4/3 PAL Sound DD 2.0 (mono) FSK 16+ Region code All regions
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