Deux amis artistes – Films autour de l'œuvre de HR Giger
PASSAGEN (1972) • 45 min., Deutsch & English, français
Le film qui s'approche au travail de l'artiste HR Giger
SWISSMADE 2069 (1969) • 38 min., Deutsch, english/français
«2069 – or where futorologists and archaeologists say good night to each other», c'est «Big Brother is Watching You» dans un contexte Suisse des années 60es.
FM MURER meets HR GIGER (2023) • 45 min., Deutsch/english
A filmic approach by Belinda Sallin to two artist friends whose paths crossed in Zurich's School of Design. Fredi M. Murer (Höhenfeuer, Vitus) looks back on context and works.
AUS EINER ANDEREN WELT HR Giger, Mia Bonzanigo, J.J. Wittmer (1979) • 48 min., English & Deutsch, deutsch & english
A kind of very personal diary, that artist H.R. Giger shot while preparing on the set.
GIGER'S NECRONONICOM J.J. Wittmer (1975) • 40 min., English
The two books were the gateway to the designs of «Alien».
TAGTRAUM J.J. Wittmer (1973) • 26 min., Deutsch
Claude Sandoz, Walter Wegmüller, HR Giger in joint painting session.
A NEW FACE OF DEBBIE HARRY (1982) • 26 min., English
Actress and singer Debbie Harry (Blondie) in her session with HR Giger in Zurich.
HIGH (1967) • 10 Min., pas de dialogue
Court-métrage experimental de HR Giger et F.M. Murer.
Age 14 Region code All regions – PAL
Bonus Booklet en allemand et anglais
ATALANTE Filmedition