This epic documentary subtly introduces the complex world view of iconic filmmaker and theoretician Peter Kubelka (born 1934, Vienna). While Kubelka's radical and pioneering body of films is a highly condensed work of about an hour focussing on the essence of cinema, his legendary lectures often unfold over many hours. These lectures on «what is cinema» and «cooking as an art form» are frequently illuminated by the presentation of archaeological objects from Kubelka's eclectic collection. He considers his ongoing collecting to be an expanded film practice which explores the evolution of humanity. Martina Kudláček has carefully woven an open-ended portrait which goes beyond the biographical to reveal fresh insights into the phenomenon of film.
edition filmmuseum 85
Double DVD
Language English Subtitles none
Length 232 min. Screen 1:1.33 - 4/3 PAL Audio DD 5.1 FSK 14 Region code All regions
Bonus 16 page booklet with essays by Tom Gunning (english), Christain Höller (deutsch), Nicole Brenez (français)
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