Trying to find a counterpart to his very successful comedy team Stan Laurel & Oliver Hardy, producer Hal Roach made several attempts to combine two female comedians. The first team with Anita Garvin & Marion Byron did only three films before both actresses separated. Nevertheless, their A PAIR OF TIGHTS is today seen as one of the greatest silent two reel comedies ever done. At the beginning of the 1930s the teaming of platinum blonde Thelma Todd with shy ZaSu Pitts and later with clumsy Patsy Kelly was a more fruitful idea, resulting in a series of sound shorts which ran successfully for five year until Todd's mysterious death in 1935. This series produced some great films of timeless fun that can easily compete with the best comedies of Laurel & Hardy. The 2-disc DVD set will present a selection of the best shorts in restored versions, most of them have never been released on DVD before.
Feed'em and Weep, Fred Guiol, USA 1928 (19')
A Pair of Thights, Hal Yates, USA 1929 (20')
The Pajama Party, Hal Roach, USA 1931 (20')
On the Losse, Hal Roach, USA 1931 (20') ·
Show Business, Jules White, USA 1932 (19')
Asleep in the Feet, Gus Meins, USA 1933 (19')
The Bargain of the Century, Charley Chase USA 1933 (19')
Beauty and the Bus, Gus Meins, USA 1933 (17')
Babes in the Goods, Gus Meins, USA 1934 (19')
Maid in Hollywood, Gus Meins, USA 1934 (19')
The Misses Stoge, James Parott, USA 1935 (18')
Top Flat, William Terhune, USA 1935 (19')
Stills, documents and essays as ROM features
20 page bilingual booklet with essays by Anke Sterneborg, Dave Stevenson, Cole Johnson, Stefan Drössler
Edition Filmmuseum 57 – Double DVD
Language English Subtitles deutsch
Screen 1:1.33 – 4/3 PAL, b&w Sound DD 2.0 (Mono) FSK 14+ Region code All regions
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